
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Dear Blog,

I'm really sorry.
I love this outlet in my life more than I probably should.
But it's taught me more about myself than I ever thought it would.
And here I am, neglecting it every day.
I've had so many great things happen in my life these past weeks that I haven't been writing.
I mean, I haven't even told you that I'm vice president of my sorority yet. 
What is becoming of us?
 Does blogging not take a priority in my life anymore? 

What happens when my life gets too crazy to find the energy to write?
What happens when my blog gets left behind?
What happens when I miss out on my writing time?
I don't like, blog.
I don't like it at all.
In fact, I hate it.
I miss this place on the internet every day.
But here's the deal, I'm busy.
Aren't we all?
And I'm stressed.
I'm even going gray.
I've already found 5 gray hairs.. 
It's an embarrassment at age 19.
And blogging normal fixes all that stress for me.
But these days, I can't find the energy.
So my poor space on the internet just sits quietly and waits for me to get around to it.
I promise that soon I'll try harder.
I promise that I'll start to make an effort.
I've been making a ton of changes in my life these days and I can't wait to share them.
I want my blog to grow.
I want my life to be enriched because of my time spent here.
And I really and truly think that it will.
I think that I can make blogging a staple in my life that I won't be able to forget about.
But for the next three weeks, I have to focus on getting through this semester.
It has been a rough one.
And once it's over, blog, you're coming back into my life. 
As for now, just know that I miss you.
And that I'm looking forward to spending more time with you.

1 comment:

Sierra @ Sierra's View said...

Girl, you are fine. You just do what you gotta do :)