
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Lazy Sundays

I'm actually doing a link-up on time today.
Get it, Natalie.

I also am having a lazy Sunday.
I worked on some homework this morning and now I'm working on some online shopping.
Anyways, here's my linkup. 
Aww yeah.

1. What is something you have wanted to do but are afraid of?

I want to skydive. But jumping out of a plane scares the beejuzus out of me.

2. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I see myself graduated from college, getting into my career, travelling to new exciting places. 
It's weird to think that I'll be 24 in five years.
I can hardly imagine what this next year will bring let alone the next five.
But I hope that I will be doing well in my big kid life. 

3. What are you looking forward to before the end of 2012?
I can't wait to go down to Austin, TX in two weeks and see all of my friends at UT.
I am thrilled that I get to see them and I honestly can't wait.
I am also really excited for fall to come.
We had a little taste of it for about a week, but now it's warming back up.
 I just order myself a sweater so I'm really excited for colder temperatures.
 I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving and seeing my family and friends at home.
I am looking forward to Christmas. 

4. What are your hopes for your blog?
I hope to see it grow. I hope to continue writing posts that mean something to me. 
I hope to find inspiration in my daily life to share on my blog. 
I am looking forward to my future in the blogging community.

5. Do you always see yourself living in your current town/city?
No. I love Lubbock and I love my school.
But as soon as that diploma is in my hand, I'm getting out.
 I hope to move near Houston or Dallas though. 
I'm a Texas girl and I definitely don't want that to change. 

6. What is your morning routine?
I'm not very good at a consistent morning routine.
I usually hit the snooze button at least once.
Then I get up and brush my teeth.
Then I get my hair and makeup done and
 occasionally eat breakfast before heading to school.
Sunday Social


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm a new follower and I'm really excited to start reading your blog! I totally agree with what you said about not having a clue where you'll be in 5 years. Who knows what tomorrow may bring?